4/19/2022 - Joshua Tree
[Check Project Details 👉 Under The Burning Sun ]
It is a day surrounded with strong wind and sand blowing. Like the phrase from Anakin Skywalker: “It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere!”
Today we have a very important emotional scene. At first, I was worried that the actors would be affected by the wind and sand. Also, the director was worried that the environment would be too complicated to finish the shooting on time. However, when we started filming, the wind had died down and sands were settled! So we managed to capture the moments, even take a rest for a while for the actors to get back into the character. As Chris said, this scene is so hard to react, all the pain is hidden underneath. You won’t see her tears, but you will feel she’s in pain. Thanks to our actors, every crew was so touched by this scene.
April 19, 2022 Joshua Tree
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#indiefilm #undertheburningsun #wind #sand #acting #emotionalscene #featurefilm